Focusing on Energy Poverty in the World: Issues and Policies

Aslan Tolga Öcal / Tuğba Başarslan Arslan

Abstract: The aim of this study is to examine the energy poverty in the world and to produce a policy for this problem. In this study using descriptive analysis method, the conceptual framework of energy poverty was drawn and the methods of measuring energy poverty and the causes of energy poverty were discussed In the study, it has been observed that the energy need has increased all over the world, but there are serious inequalities in energy consumption on the basis of regions and countries. Greenhouse gases that arise from the burning of fossil fuels for energy now bring global warming and climate change. The lack of access to clean energy sources increases health problems along with poverty and leads to global pollution. It is necessary to urgently implement policy measures that take into account the specific situation of households and are shaped according to the dynamics of the countries themselves. Accordingly, household incomes should be increased, decent jobs should be provided and welfare policies should be put in place quickly to ensure that current poverty is not maintained.

Keywords: Energy poverty, Social policy, Energy consumption, Sustainable development, Climate change

Aslan Tolga Öcal / Tuğba Başarslan Arslan
DOI: 10.29224/insanveinsan.1099470
Year 9, Issue 33, Summer 2022

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Climate Change, Sustainable Cities, and Communities: A Multi-Criteria Assessment

Hakan Gökhan Gündoğdu / Ahmet Aytekin

Abstract: Sustainable development is based on a multi-layered understanding of development, particularly in terms of environmental, economic, and social factors. sustainable development goals, on the other hand, are continuous and evolving development goals that can be implemented by any country in the world. The study aims to assess and compare countries in terms of “sustainable cities and communities” and “climate action” goals. The relationship between making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable and mitigating climate change is assessed in this study via multi-criteria decision analysis. In this context, the DEMATEL method was used to determine the criteria’s interactions and weights, while the PIV method was employed to rank the countries. The carbon footprint was determined as the most important criterion in the DEMATEL results. Other important criteria to consider are the amount of renewable energy used and waste management. According to the PIV results, Sweden, Uruguay, Colombia, Norway, and Brazil took the top five places. The outcomes of the research back up the link between climate change and sustainable cities and communities.

Keywords: Sustainable Development, Climate Change, Sustainable Cities, DEMATEL, PIV

Hakan Gökhan Gündoğdu / Ahmet Aytekin
DOI: 10.29224/insanveinsan.1104121
Year 9, Issue 33, Summer 2022

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The Role of Green Infrastructure and Ecosystem Services Reducing Potential Effects of Climate Change in Cities

Özgür Kamer Aksoy / E. Seda Arslan

Abstract: Climate change is a global environmental problem. Increasing awareness in our country about climate change, strategies are needed to protect the natural and cultural resources of the cities which are most affected by climate change. Cities depend on natural and cultural ecosystems and their services. Developed as a new and innovative land planning approach that can contribute to mitigating the effects of climate change in cities, green infrastructure plays a role in increasing biodiversity and urban ecosystem services as well as increasing the density of natural systems in cities. In this study, the effects of climate change on urban biodiversity will be mentioned and the effects of climate change on the sustainability of urban ecosystem services will be given. Assessment of possible climate change effects will be interpreted by the framework of green infrastructure and ecosystem services.

Keywords: Climate change, Green infrastructure, Ecosystem services, Land use, Urban ecosystems

Özgür Kamer Aksoy / E. Seda Arslan
DOI: 10.29224/insanveinsan.1104391
Year 9, Issue 33, Summer 2022

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A Philosophical Approach to Climate Justice in the Framework of Kant and Rawls’s Ethical-Based Theories of Justice

Aysel Demir

Abstract: Increasing greenhouse gas emissions with the use of fossil fuels is an important factor leading to global climate change. The impact of this change is not evenly distributed, it seems that it especially affects the disadvantaged countries that are least responsible for it, which has led to the emergence of climate justice. Therefore, in this study, it is discussed what climate justice is, why it arises, and whether powerful states fulfill their responsibilities fairly in experiencing climate change impact. When approaching the subject philosophically, the effect of Immanuel Kant and John Rawls’s ethical-based justice theories on climate justice have been examined. With its distributive justice connection, the problem of climate change raises many philosophical questions and binds us to ethical responsibilities and obligations. Developed countries, which are responsible for the change, only produce theoretical discussions with promises, but do not fulfill their duties and responsibilities and do not offer a solution in practice. Historical responsibilities regarding the sustainability of existing opportunities against climate change point to intergenerational ethical problems in particular. Ethical aspects of climate change; it progresses on the basis of historical responsibilities, existing opportunities, sustainability and justice.

Keywords: Climate change, Climate justice, Inequality, Ethics, Immanuel Kant, John Rawls

Aysel Demir
DOI: 10.29224/insanveinsan.1103781
Year 9, Issue 33, Summer 2022

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Climate Change and Monetary Policy: An Evaluation for Turkey

Veysel Karagöl

Abstract: Climate change, which is significantly related to human activities, deeply affects financial and economic activities. The physical risks arising from extreme weather events and gradual global warming as well as the transition risks encountered in adapting to a low-carbon economy create uncertainties and cause supply and demand shocks. These uncertainties and volatilities in economies affect price stability and financial stability and thus make it difficult to implement monetary policy. These facts make essential a new perspective on the possible effects of climate change in the monetary policy strategy. This study, it is aimed to make inferences for monetary policy practices in Turkey by compiling international experiences in the fight against climate change. To mitigate climate risks, the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey should include the economic effects of climate change in macroeconomic models, encourage green sectors and green bonds, and develop national and global collaborations.

Keywords: Climate change, Climate policy uncertainty, Monetary policy, Green policies, The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

Veysel Karagöl
DOI: 10.29224/insanveinsan.1096970
Year 9, Issue 33, Summer 2022

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Considering the Climate Crisis from the Turkish Media Framework

Seçil Özay / Süheyla Nil Mustafa

Abstract: Especially in situations such as climate change, where its effects are felt globally and each individual must comply with the recommended measures, the news broadcast is of importance. The news based on the right sources and edited by expert journalists will contribute to the development of responsibility in this vital issue that will determine the future of the world. The framing of climate crisis news in terms of problems, solutions and levels of responsibility is of great importance both for the determination of individual and social reactions and for the realization of social responsibility and action. The research focuses on mass media, which widely broadcast for the general audience in Turkey, and the news on the climate crisis in the online news sites will be analyzed in the context of news framing theory. Due to the fact that the online news is open to interaction and can be easily accessed by a wide range of audience, the news samples to be analyzed were determined by scanning online news sites.

Keywords: Framing theory, the Climate crisis, News, News framing, Climate crisis news

Seçil Özay / Süheyla Nil Mustafa
DOI: 10.29224/insanveinsan.1104362
Year 9, Issue 33, Summer 2022

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